What time of day is best for running? Really, anytime you can fit it in. Sometimes it's hard to carve out time in a hectic schedule for training, especially for long runs which can take over two hours. A few weeks ago I participated in an online chat about marathon training on NewBalanceConnections.com. Kathy Butler (team New Balance marathoner) hosted the chat and basically said anytime is a good time for running, as long as you do it.
For those runners who get up before sunrise, I commend you! I could never get up, while it's still dark, and run even a few miles. I would rather run in the afternoon in 90 degree heat then get up before 5AM. Typically, I get home from the day, cook dinner, put the little one to bed, then head out for my evening miles. It's really just the cherry on the top of a good day. But in the winter, I'd have to say it's running at night in the gym for me.
Gotta love hearing about other runner's crazy schedules...what is your running regime? Are you a morning or an evening runner? And why?
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