New Balance Sports Monitors are here! New Balance has partnered with High Gear USA and developed a new line of sports monitors. These monitors all have something new to offer the everyday athlete just looking for an edge in their workout routine.
If you are training for a competitive event, (marathon, 5K race, 10K) sports monitors can really help with setting a pace or keeping track of your time goals.
But sports monitors aren't just for runners; New Balance also carries a line of pedometers that offer specific features; fat burning (keeps track of calories burned), alarm/alert pedometers for safety, and basic pedometers that keep track of your steps throughout the day. Whatever your fitness goals, sports monitors can make a big difference.
Check out this blog post about New Balance sports monitors in the PluggedIn Blog featured on PittsburghChannel.com. Here you can read even more information about the benefits of New Balance Sports Monitors. You can also take a look at this video by WTEA-TV Pittsburgh Channel highlighting even more benefits of working out with a sports monitor! (Be sure to drag the video to your play list to start the short clip.)
So, how many readers out there have tried one of the New Balance Sports Monitors? What did you think? I have personally tried the HRT Mini (for cardio workouts) and the Vent Mini (for running)...both really surprised me. I had never ran with a monitor before, not to mention worn a monitor for any other activity, and after I got the hang of it (which buttons to press, learned which function did what) they really opened my eyes to what training could be. Instead of just guessing my time or keeping an eye on the clock in the gym as I ran on the track, I had an accurate account of my entire workout...not a bad deal for a runner with a time crunch!