Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Your Defining Moment - Dean Karnazes

Through my short 10 year career in running, I have had my own moments of question and doubt. Can I make it this far? Should I be going this fast? Am I still breathing? Runners of all skill levels and experience have been there. Ultra Marathon Man Dean Karanzes shares with us how he reached his moment of self definition. He writes, " We all have those moments that define who we are...."

June 21, 2007 in Times Square Dean Karanzes attempted to break the world distance record of 24 hours on a treadmill. He lost all ten of his toenails in his attempt to push through.

What is your defining moment? As a runner, mine has to be my senior year of high school's final cross country meet. I finished 10th in the race and had an all out battle with 2 other runners at the finish was only for 10th place but for the average high schooler, it may as well have been 1st.


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